Sunday, April 20, 2008

Melungeon Historical Society

News Release:

Wayne Winkler, president of a newly formed Melungeon research group, has made the following announcement:

On Saturday, April 19, 2008, the Melungeon Historical Society held its first meeting in Rogersville, Tennessee. The organization was formed by a group of Melungeon researchers and descendents to collect and preserve historical records that pertain to the Melungeons and/or their kinfolks and descendents. MHS will use documented family genealogy, documented historical research and documented DNA research conforming to recognized professional and scholarly standards to compile and prepare records, to establish and maintain a website and/or blog to keep members informed, and to sponsor and encourage educational meetings, gatherings, lectures, and activities in genealogy and history. The Melungeon Historical Society will be a membership organization, and those interested in joining should contact Becky Nelson:

We look forward to a new era in Melungeon research and welcome all who share our desire to preserve our Melungeon heritage.

Wayne Winkler, President
Jack Goins, Vice-president, Heritage
Penny Ferguson, Vice-president, Research
Becky Nelson - Secretary/Treasurer

Board of Directors:
Tari Adams
Don Collins
Janet Crain
Roberta Estes
Dr. Harold B. Houser
Kathy James
Joy King
Dr. Kathy Lyday-Lee
Dennis Maggard
Kevin Mullins
Evelyn Orr
Joanne Pezzullo
Cleland Thorpe
Beverly Walker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have taken the Autosomal test and the DNA Association had to take longer and call ne because of my rare DNA. I am primarily Melungeon,, my grandpa was born in Eastern Tennessee and his Mother, who looks Melungeon, her last name is Goodison, I'll try to find a Melungeon family name. I also discovered I am of Spanish, Jewish, Cherokee and Middle Eastern heritage which has to be related. My Mother is from English stock and my Dad was from settlers in America. My grandfather and his brothers on my Dad's side were very exotic with blue eyes and high cheekbones and dark hair. How amazing. I thought I was just United Kingdom. Looking forward to learning more about this!